Tuesday 13 December 2011

Resolution Roughsides

Now I know that December is not even halfway finished yet but I have been thinking about New Years resolutions.  Now I have made and failed those before yet each new year I desire to try it again.  I don't know how many people have lived that reality with me but it has gotten me thinking lately.  Now if I personally had to pin-point a few main causes for failure with new resolutions I believe it would be one of these reasons.

1: Lack of commitment
I believe that I get caught up in the excitement of making changes and I run off of the emotional charge which inevitably wears out.  To truly change any part of myself or my life I need to be committed for the long haul.  I need to be willing to pay the price that it costs to keep my resolutions.

2: Not truly wanting to change
It's easy to romantize change, but I have come to realize that even the most 'random' of people are habitual creatures.  We like consistency.  Change sounds exciting but we have to truly want change to force ourselves to do so.  For me it often gets to the point where if I am to change I need to truly loathe the present to change to the future.

3: Poor foundations
It's all about covering the bases properly, such as planning, scheduling, prioritizing and accountability.  Fail to cover those bases and I find myself crippled before even starting.  If I don't have a proper set up to help myself succeed in my new goals the plausiblity of failure abounds.

4: The belief of failure
I think this one is the biggest screwer of resolutions ever, starting something and expecting to fail.  As a general rule if I expect to fail in something, duh I fail!  No brainer really but it's a hard concept to truly pound in.  Failure cannot even enter the mind as a possiblity.  I gotta believe in myself that I will succeed.  I truly believe that the power of will is what separates the successful from the failures.  The successful don't let themselves believe they will fail.  If they believed they would fail, I can nearly guarentee that they would have failed in thier goals.

I know there is a myriad of other reasons for failure in resolutions but as I said I want to try it again.  Now I don't want to make a lot of resolutions but the few I make I want to be blunt and open about.  I shall obtain accountability so that I will keep these goals.  If you wish to keep me accountable message me via fb or this blog and I shall remain accountable.

Give up porn:  Yes I like many struggle with pornography and I cannot stand for it dirtying my mind anymore, I desire purity.

Get 6 pack abs:  Silly I know but I am tired of having pathetic abs.  I desire to look my best this coming year.

Read my Bible every day:  God is my foundation for life and I desire to fall fully in love with Him this year in a new way

Do the splits: I believe flexiblity of body and mind, now the mind is a bit of a challenge but I think the body is trainable here.  Should be painful fun.

So there you have it, my resolutions.  I resolve before God and any readers to accomplish these goals in the new year ASAP.  So lets make and succeed in our goals for this new year, start if off with focus, purpose, and direction.  All the power to win!

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