Saturday 10 December 2011

Christmas Craze

Well I know most people start off a blog by saying who they are and what they wish to communticate to anyone with a passing interest in what they have to say.  Heck, why not so here's the skinny, my head title for this blog is "No Excuses", the reason for that is because I believe in whatever we do in life we need to accept the postive and negative consequences of it.  That  applies to texting, talking, even in how much we sleep.  So my first encouragement to you, is to live life with no excuses, but with purpose and confidence.

So it is nearing Christmas time, and a lot of people myself included are feeling the rush and the hustle and bustle of the holiday craze.  But I know I am not the only one who is feeling like all of this hype of season is misplaced.  I mean come on, the season is not about spending thousands of $ and getting the perfect gift.  Its about blessing others.  Be it through celebrating the birth of Christ or simply dropping spare change in the bins for the Salvation Army.  So I wonder, where did we put that heart?  Giving has become an obligation and a burden for many.  Where has the Joy gone in giving?
Some people like myself seem to enjoy giving a little to much, AKA beyond our own means.  It's not enough simple to put love into the gifts, it's gotta be something that blows your loved ones socks off.  For us I wonder if we have forgotten that it's the small things communticate the large love, like making breakfast for mom, stacking firewood for dad, helping that friend with organizing their garage.  The thing all those involve is the giving of the hardest gift to give of all, time.  It's easy to spend money we may or may not have to say I love you, but how many of us will take the time to really love people by giving them our time as a gift.  That is the gift I am trying to learn to give now to others, while still giving them loving small gifts as well.
Come with me and enjoy this time of year, the giving, the food, the good cheer, family, the coffee, and the mistletoe :)  This is a season of joy so let us look for the silver lining in our cloudy snowfilled skys and the shining sun when it peeps its warm face.
Regardless of how we give during this festive season let us remember to be giving time to the one who gave us our time in the first place.  I don't want to waste my holiday by giving to everyone except for the most important person to me, God.  Let's not make him our Christmas after-thought.

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